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Do You Need a Thorough Throat Evaluation?

Complaints involving the throat are the most common reason for visiting a physician. At Capital ENT and Sinus Center in Austin and Lakeway, Texas, we can provide a thorough evaluation of the entire throat in our office with a painless fiber optic telescope. Our throat doctors can successfully treat both medical and surgical disorders of the throat.


What Are the Most Common Throat Complaints?

Chronic Sore Throat

Chronic allergies, sinus infections, stomach reflux, and many other common disorders can result in chronic irritation of the throat. We identify and treat your specific causes.

Recurring Tonsillitis

Recurring tonsillitis occurs when you have frequent infections with streptococcus bacteria, causing severe sore throat and fever. Sometimes patients develop an abscess (collection of fluid) next to the tonsil that limits the ability to open the mouth. A tonsillectomy can now be performed as an outpatient procedure with modern techniques to reduce the pain and speed up recovery.

Chronic Tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis is a collection of infected material in the tonsils, resulting in bad breath and a sore throat. A tonsillectomy can now be performed as an outpatient procedure with modern techniques to reduce the pain and speed up recovery.

Enlarged Tonsils

Enlarged tonsils may cause snoring, mouth breathing, and sleep apnea. Tonsillectomy resolves these issues.

Mouth Ulcers & Tongue Inflammation

Viral and bacterial infections, vitamin deficiencies, and oral cancers can cause mouth ulcers and tongue inflammation. We can help identify the cause and work to resolve these chronic issues.

Dysphagia (Difficulty Swallowing)

Many patients may experience difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing, and a lump or pressure sensation in their throat. This may be from thyroid conditions, upper esophageal sphincter spasm (cricopharyngeal spasm), reflux, allergies, sinus infections, or other disorders. A thorough evaluation by our specialists at Capital ENT and Sinus Center can lead to the correct diagnosis and treatment plan.


Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that can worsen over time and become life threatening when not treated.

Snoring Issues

Injection snoreplasty is a minimally invasive treatment for snoring with little to no pain involved.

Voice Care

Our voice is the instrument we use to communicate to our friends, family, and co-workers. If that instrument isn’t working, it affects everything we do.


A tonsillectomy can now be performed as an outpatient procedure with modern techniques to reduce the pain and speed up recovery.

Personal Care with Maximum Comfort

We are here to serve you and want you to know that our standard of patient care is the same standard we would apply to our own families. Our throat care specialists are committed to providing you with timely and complete personalized care integrated with maximum comfort, convenience, and privacy.

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